Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cell Phone Safety Tips

Due to their growing popularity, cell phones are fast becoming a favorite target of thieves. To reduce your chances of becoming the victim of a cell phone theft, the New York City Police Department offers you their safety tips.
  1. Always be aware of your surroundings. Thieves may be watching you.
  2. Avoid becoming distracted by your cell phone conversation when walking on the street.
  3. Keep your cell phone out of site. Don't hang it from your purse of jacket.
  4. Switch the ringer off to avoid attracting the attention of thieves.
  5. Never loan your cell phone to a stranger. In case of an emergency, offer to make the call for them.
  6. Consider using hands-free technology.
  7. If your phone is lost or stolen, report the loss immediately to your cell phone service provider and the police.
  8. Keep details. Make a record of all your phone information and keep this in a safe place. Include the following elements in the information:
  • Your phone number
  • The make, model, and serial number.
  • Color and appearance details
  • The pin or security lock cod
  • The IMEI number (on GSM phones)

 Other Good Preventative Advice

Add a security mark. Use an ultra violet pen to print your post code and house number onto both your mobile handset and battery. This makes it easily identifiable as your property if lost or stolen. It would also be good if you write your alternate contact number or email id on your phone. This would help the finder of your handset to contact you if he or she intents to return it. The ultra-violet pen marking will wear off every couple of months, so reapply it when you feel necessary.
Use the security lock code, or PIN feature, to lock your phone. This will make it less valuable to a thief and deny them access to personal numbers stored on your SIM card.

If Your Phone is Stolen

Have your phone number disabled. In addition to reporting your phone lost or stolen, you should also disable your phone number (not account) so that no further charges can be applied. This is in case the thief figures out how to access your account through another hand set, or in case the carrier is unwilling to block the handset. Remember that, as mentioned earlier, many thieves stand to benefit from using your service rather than selling your phone, especially between the moment they steal it and the moment you realize your phone is missing.[4]
Keep in mind that once the phone is disabled, it may not be able to be used again, even if you get it back. [2] Keep records of this call--the date, time, name of the person you spoke to, what they said, and their extension. Ask for confirmation in writing that your phone has been disabled.[3] This is important in case the thief makes fraudulent charges on your account.
File a police report immediately. Time is money, literally. A thief can add over US$10,000 to your cell phone bill in just hours by making international calls, and you might end up being asked to foot the bill.[6] Some phone companies may require proof that the phone was actually stolen, versus it having been lost. A police report serves as evidence, which will make your wireless provider more cooperative, especially if insurance is involved.
If you continue to encounter problems with your wireless provider in that they are not disabling the phone or your account in a timely manner and insist that you cover the charges made by the thief, let them know that you intend to file a complaint with the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), your state attorney general's office, and your state's public utility commission (PUC) (or the equivalent authorities in your country).
Request an immediate, formal investigation from your carrier. Sometimes this can prevent (or at least delay) the carrier from launching a collections effort and tainting your credit, if things get ugly.

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We would rather be proactive about the use of personal mobile devices used at work. Business data is being accessed and transferred through mobile devices at a staggering pace.  We can help improve the productivity of your mobile workers while keeping your corporate security practices in place.


1 comment:

  1. Such a useful Cell Phone Safety Tips. I have been reading a lot of stuff about it but the way of presentation is very nice...Very knowledgeable and important information...
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