Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cool Tricks You Should Know

Did you ever wish you could create Keyboard Shortcuts to Open Programs You Use Often?  Well, now you can!

For instance, if you often need the calculator, you can create a keyboard shortcut to open it.

• Right click on the Calculator application
• Select Properties
• In the Shortcut Key field type “C”, or whatever key you want to use.
• The System will enter “Ctrl-Alt-C”.

Now you can use this shortcut to bring up the calculator whenever you want to use it.

Taking the worry out of your technology

Friday, April 8, 2011

At What Point Does Your Data Become Critical?

When was the last time you asked yourself
"What would I do if I lost all of my critical customer data that I used to run my business"?

On behalf of the Los Altos Chamber of Commerce and the Star 2 Networking Group, Jon Simms, President of TeamLogic IT, be giving a talk on the importance of having a backup and disaster recovery strategy for you business.  Join us to learn what you should do so you can rest easier that you are using best practices to protect your critical data and therefore your livelyhood.

At What Point Does Your Data Become Critical?

Los Altos Chamber Star 2 Group
April 20, 2011 @ 1:15-2:30pm

First Republic Bank in Los Altos
(in the Board Room)
400 South San Antonio Road
Los Altos, CA 94022

Seating is limited so try to come early

5 Reasons To Go Wireless

used with permission from Cisco

Every minute counts in a small company and wireless networks are a powerful tool for boosting productivity and encouraging information sharing. With untethered access to documents, emails, applications and other network resources, employees can roam where they need to and have constant access to the tools required to do their jobs.

Here are some of the ways businesses are taking advantage of wireless LANs:

Increased mobility and collaboration
►Roam without losing your connection
►Work together more effectively

Employees who use your wireless LAN can roam around your office or to different floors without losing their connection. Imagine everyone in a team meeting or in small conferences having access to up-to-the minute communications, and all documents and applications on your network. Similarly, using Voice over Wireless LAN technology, they can have roaming capabilities in their voice communications.

Improved responsiveness
►Connect to the information you need when you need it
►Provide better customer service

Customers want quick response to queries and concerns. A wireless network can improve customer service by connecting staff to the information they need. For example, a doctor in a small medical office can access online patient files while moving between exam rooms, or a retail sales person can check on available inventory necessary to write up orders on the showroom floor.

Better access to information
►Connect hard-to-reach areas
►Improve your processes

Wireless LANs allow a business to bring network access to areas that would be difficult to connect to a wired network. For example, adding wireless access points to a warehouse can make it easier to check and manage inventory, providing the company with accurate inventory figures in real time.

Easier network expansion
►Add users quickly
►Grow your network cost-effectively

Companies that need to add employees or reconfigure offices frequently will immediately benefit from the flexibility wireless LANs provide. Desks can be moved and new employees can be added to the network without the effort and cost required to run cables and wires.

Enhanced guest access
►Give secure network access to customers and business partners
►Offer a value-added service

A wireless network allows your business to provide secure wireless access to the Internet for guests such as customers or business partners. Retailers, restaurants, hotels and other public-facing businesses can provide this as a unique value-added service.

At TeamLogic IT, we help businesses with all sorts of networking issues.  Whether it is securing the corporate LAN, providing VPN access to the fileserver or installing an 'always connected' wireless network, we help our customers keep their employees connected to critical data no matter where they are.  Let us help you convert your company to the wireless age by calling us at 650-204-3150.

Taking the worry out of your wireless networks.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Routing & Switching Keep Business Going

used with permission from the Cisco Website

Routers and switches are the building blocks for all business communications from data to voice and video to wireless access. They can improve a company’s bottom line by enabling your company to increase productivity, cut business costs, and improve security and customer service.

Specifically, routers and switches support:

Sharing applications

•Provide staff access to business applications
•Improve employee productivity

Using routing and switching technologies allows your staff, even those located in different locations, to have equal access to all your business applications, information and tools. Keeping everyone connected to the same tools can increase employee productivity. Routing and switching also can provide access to advanced applications and enable services, such as IP voice, videoconferencing and wireless networks.

Speeding access to information

•Manage information efficiently
•Review what is happening across your business

Accurate, timely information is essential for making prudent business decisions. Routing and switching provides access to allow great visibility into real-time business information and provides a sound basis for effective decision-making.

Enhancing customer service

•Provide ready access to customer information
•Improve customer responsiveness

Today's customers expect rapid responses and personalized services whenever they're dealing with your business, either by phone, email or on a website. A responsive, reliable small business network is an absolute necessity to give your employees speedy access to customer information, and enable them to respond rapidly and intelligently to resolve customer requirements.

Reducing operating costs

•Share office equipment for reduced costs
•Provide high-speed Internet access

Routing and switching technologies can make a positive impact on your bottom line. You save expenses by sharing equipment, such as printers and servers, and services, such as Internet access. A reliable network also can grow with your business, keeping you from having to replace it as your needs grow.

Improving security

•Reduce risk
•Protect valuable business information

Because high-speed Internet connections are always on, you may be vulnerable to security threats. Viruses, spyware, Internet attacks, e-mail assaults, and other security concerns are real dangers. By installing a networked solution with switches and routers, you can protect valuable business data. For example, routers can protect your network with a built-in firewall and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) - specialized software that examines incoming data and protects against attacks.

Enabling remote connections

•Provide secure remote access for mobile workers
•Get work done from anywhere

Globalization has changed the way we work. Virtual teams, mobile workers, and home-based telecommuters all need to share information at any time. Modern businesses need networks that can connect employees, suppliers, partners and customers regardless of location, whether they are across town or halfway around the globe. With remote connectivity through a VPN, employees can securely access company resources and tools and work more productively.

One of the most important aspects of growing your businesss is connecting employees with critical business data and with your customers more efficiently.  Routers and switches are a key component to enabling this.  At TeamLogicIT we can help you configure the proper network for your business needs and secure acess to your network from unwanted cyber attacks.  If you want to be well connected, call us today at 650-204-3150.

Taking the worry out of your networking infrastructure...