Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Information Technology - Making a Solid Investment

Contains exerpts from Franchising World's November 2011 article by Chuck Lennon, President of TeamLogic IT .

Information technology or IT is the lifeblood of every business. The recent natural disasters on the East Coast, Hurricane Irene in Aug of this year, in particular, are the perfect example  of  why your business needs to embrace the concept of  using advanced technology to organize, manage, and protect vital information.

For years, large companies have embraced the need for IT to sustain and grow  the business, with departments dedicated to supporting IT. This  allows large companies to maintain the  key tools in IT - computers, servers, and networks, among others - to ensure efficient  business operations.

Where are small to mid-sized businesses or SMBs in their technological frame of mind? Using a highly capable  IT provider can offer these businesses with a great array of benefits including reducing operating costs and improving business performance and functionality.Do business owners understand the concept of IT solutions?

 Why Use an Outsourced IT Firm

According to CIT Group, a provider of vendor financing solutions, the benefits of using an IT firm to outsource a business needs - such as lower cost, increased resources and reduced IT headcount - are not fully understood by today's business owner.

There are several type of IT solutions available to SMBs, such as the break-fix model and proactive managed services, but how does a business owner decide which package fits its needs?  The job of a trusted IT partner is to bridge the gap between the business owner and the ever-changing technology landscape.  It is important for SMB owners to be educated about making a solid investment in IT, including the true cost of downtime, the tools that large companies have and why hope is not a sound business strategy.

The True Cost of Downtime

The meat of this topic was covered in an earlier blog.  Let me just add that even when a company's IT systems are revived and running, you can also experience post-downtime, an additional delay while data is being recovered and operations are still severely hampered.   Even more alarming, a recent article in the Huffington Post mentioned that 80%of SMBs that are not up and  running within 10 days of a natural disaster will go out  of business withing the year.   A trusted IT partner can have a plan in place prior to an  unforeseen circumstance to  help ensure that the business is prepared and does not become a statistic.
Without a trusted IT partner, many business owners neglect their computer systems and spend the least amount of money to money to have their systems back up and running.  The problem is that these quick, cheap schemes often cost the business more money in the long-term, since the fundamental problem has not changed.

Hope is Not a Sound Business Strategy

The concept of relying on "hope" to achieve optimal success is one of the classic tales our franchisees' hear when talking to SMBs, but it is a poor business tactic that can ruin a business.  A computer network is the backbone  of a  business operation.  When it's working, the owner doesn't think  about it.  But it's not, it can turn a business upside down.  To the benefit of the millions of U.S. SMBs computing for the consumers'dollar, many can gain a substantial advantage by investing  in  IT support.  A solid investment in IT provides SMB owners with the confidence and peace of mind that their business systems are secured, reliable, and protected.  More importantly, employees are maximizing their time - ultimately allowing  the business to thrive and become event more successful.

We meet with many clients who aren't receiving the service and attention they need to keep their technology running efficiently. Everyone has someone they call on to help them when things aren't functioning, but can you rely on your provider to be proactive? A smart investment in IT can pay for itself over a short period of time, if implemented correctly.

TeamLogic IT of Mountain View, CA, is part of a nationwide network of computer consultation and managed services businesses providing outsourced IT services. Small- to medium-sized businesses rely on TeamLogic IT to handle a broad range of services from urgent computer repair and proactive maintenance to the installation of entire networks and more. For more information, contact Jon Simms at or visit

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