Monday, June 13, 2011

To Our Friends and Neighbors

Can you believe that it’s June? We’re already into the sixth month of 2011; the first half of this year is nearly over. Throughout the first half of 2011 we have seen far too many storms and disasters strike areas of our country, often in cities where storms of this magnitude do not usually occur. Is your data safe from disaster? Too often we don’t think about keeping our data safe from a disaster until it’s too late.

Sure, there are services that may be able to recover your files from a hard drive or server that has been through a storm or other disaster, but there is also the chance that they may not be able to recover anything. You should consider if your business might be losing money when your network is down, your employees that don’t have access to necessary information and customers who are not able to do business with you for a period of time. If your network is down, is it important that you be back up and running in minutes or hours rather than days?

Portable media has been the default storage medium for many businesses for some time. Because it is quickly becoming outdated and an expensive method for safeguarding important data, it is essential to secure critical business assets with an easy-to-use, automated online backup service.

At TeamLogic IT, our backup, archiving and recovery service is a powerful, yet simple to use solution that comes with encryption backup tools previously available only to Fortune 500 companies. Your files are available the moment you need them, even down to a particular email that you might need to recover. You can rest assured that our online backup is a compliance-ready digital archiving solution. Each backup can be set to run at a schedule and any frequency that works best for you. Call us today to discuss a solution that will fit the specific needs of your business.

Jon Simms
President and CEO
TeamLogic IT of  Mountain View, CA

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Different Look At Cyber Crime...

OK folks, I would have never thought of this one!  When I think of cyber crime I think of all of the bad things that happen every day where peoples bank accounts are hacked by phishing, credit card information is stollen using trojans or websites are brought down by denial of service attacks.  Here is a news video about a different type of cyber crime.... go ahead, click on those cupcakes to watch it :-)

If you are concerned that your website might be a target for cupcake receipes, give us a call at 650-204-3150.  Our managed security service keeps the bad guys out and your website and company data safe.  Let TeamLogic IT take the worry out of who is lurking in your network.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Building A Small Business Network: The Basics

used with permission from Cisco

A small business network isn't just about making contacts and exchanging business cards at trade shows. In today's global economy, a small business network is about reducing your operating costs. It's about reacting quickly to changing markets and customer needs. It's about being prepared for the future.

A small business network begins with a secure and reliable data network foundation that's fast and accessible. Here are seven ways that a small business network can transform your company:

1. Work Anywhere
A small business network uses a host of technologies such as virtual private networks (VPNs) that enable mobile employees and teleworkers to work securely at home, on the road, or at customers' offices. They have full, secure, remote access to your phone system, data network, customer database, and any other tools they need to be productive. It's almost like they're in the office.

2. Access Customer Data Wherever, Whenever
With a secure small business network, you can input, update, and view information about customers in a database. You can access that database using a computer, phone, or handheld device. Having constant, secure access to customer information helps workers better serve customers. And satisfied customers often result in increased revenues.

3. Be Prepared for the Future
Designing a secure, flexible small business network allows you to easily, cost-effectively add new applications, such as voice and video, when needed. Your business will be better positioned to keep ahead of competitors and offer new services to customers, both of which help your business grow.

Adding voice and wireless to your secure small business network provides additional benefits:

4. Streamline Network Management
Combining voice, data, and other applications on one network simplifies network installation and management. And a single network requires less physical square footage, which helps maximize expensive office space.

5. Communicate More Effectively
A secure voice and data network foundation lets you check email, voicemail, and faxes from one inbox. A single phone number will ring simultaneously on multiple devices, preventing callers from landing in voicemail. Employees can hold impromptu meetings online with colleagues, partners, suppliers, and customers. With enhanced communications, your company can more easily expand globally.

6. Reduce Costs
Consolidating all your communications onto a single network saves companies an average of 46% in network costs, according to market research firm IDC.

7. Use Your Phone as a Computer—and Your Computer as a Phone
Having one secure network for voice, data, and wireless can give your business benefits not possible before. Your employees can roam the sales floor, warehouse, office, or campus with their phones, so they're never out of touch. They can use their wireless phones to look up customer data, access the company directory, get stock quotes, and perform other tasks. When traveling, employees can use laptops to make and receive calls using your company's full phone system—just as they would if they were in the office.

At TeamLogic IT, we understand the tremendous value that a well designed network can add to any company.  Whether you are looking to secure your network from outside intrusion, access customer data remotely, add wireless roaming to your current office, upgrade to a VoIP phone system or need more throughput for video applications, we can help you.  Call us today at 650-204-3150 for a free consultation.

Taking the worry out of your technology