Thursday, September 30, 2010

Six Steps To Create A Website That Fills Your Pipeline

by Stuart Crawford, Ulistic

Your website must convert visitors to prospects today.

What does your website say to your ideal prospect?  Is your marketing website attracting and converting visitors to prospects?

Your business website is one of the first pieces of your marketing a potential client will use to judge your business. Does it create a WOW factor? Next to your business card, your website is a critical part in your overall marketing message. What is it saying?

Does your website convey professionalism or could a potential client jump to a conclusion that your business can not handle their needs simply because of your website? We all strive for professional however for many our websites don’t share this message with those who visit.

After poor design, confusion is another challenge facing business websites today. Websites that struggle to share your exact message about your business will fail to convert visitors to your site into a sales prospect. If your message is unclear you will have confused visitors about what your business offers and especially how you can help them.

You only have 3 seconds to make that critical first impression, make the most of it.

Your marketing website is one of the most important parts of your overall marketing strategy online and your traditional marketing strategies. All roads lead home and your business website must welcome visitors and it must convert visitors to prospects.

Here are SIX basic tips to enable business to get the most from your marketing website:

1. Make your team the stars! Dump the stock photography and get real pictures from your team put on your site. This tells your visitors that you are a real company with real people. A professional photographer can capture the culture of your business allowing your business to share your culture through your website. It is great when we show up at a new client meeting and someone says "Hey, it is the guys from their website".

2. Keep your content fresh. Having fresh content on your website demonstrates to your prospect how much you care about your business and that you are up on the times. Nothing says "I don't care" or "I am too busy" like a stale blog or website that still has updates listed for Windows 95.

3. Content, Content, Content. Content is king in having a website that attracts visitors through search and has the potential to convert visitors to potential clients. Balancing exceptional content with good design will attract and potentially convert those who are just snooping to those who may invest in your services. David West, Senior Advisor at Ulistic says "it is the information highway, not the good-looking website highway". People go online to get information, become a source of information for them.

4. Template Web Designs. There are some great web designs out there and some wonderful services that offer business a fixed-cost monthly for their websites, newsletters and other services. Consult with a web marketing professional before signing a long-term contract with any website designer or service provider.

5. No Secret Sauce. Marketing takes work and online marketing takes even more work. I haven't found one silver bullet other than commitment, hard work and execution. You will never get this from a marketing application claiming to grow your business with no work from you. It takes knowledge and systems to make all levels of your marketing work.

6. Video. Use video and use video wisely. Video can grab each visitor's attention immediately. Using client testimonials, walk-on video or talking head video will create connections with all your website visitors. Video will also become part of your search engine optimization strategy.

There are many things your business must consider when executing a web marketing strategy. Your main marketing website is the most important part to your overall marketing strategy, long before figuring out blogs, social media and other strategies. Focus efforts on creating a website that educates, informs and the most important factor – converts.

Your website must convert visitors to prospects, do the right things today in order to make the most of your marketing investment.

At TeamLogicIT, we make technology work for your business.  Whether it is creating your website, marketing your website or maintaining all of your computer and networking equipment at the highest level of performance and availability, we can help you with the complex solutions to take your business to the next level.  Call us today at 650-204-3150, no obligation system inventory and asessment at no cost to you!

Taking the worry out of your technology...

Monday, September 20, 2010

What is Voice over IP? The Basics

used with permission from the Cisco Small Business Center.

What is voice over IP? How is it different from unified communications? And how can it help your small business?

What is Voice over IP?
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology lets you use the Internet to make and receive telephone calls.

What is Voice over IP?: The Range of Services
VoIP is available in a wide range of services. Some basic, free VoIP services require all parties to be at their computers to make or receive calls. Others let you call from a traditional telephone handset or even a cell phone to any other phone.

What is Voice over IP?: Equipment
For VoIP, you need a broadband Internet connection, plus a traditional phone and an adapter; a VoIP-enabled phone; or VoIP software on your computer.

What is Voice over IP?: Security and Service Quality
Most consumer VoIP services use the Internet for phone calls. But many small businesses are using VoIP and unified communications on their private networks. That's because private networks provide stronger security and service quality than the public Internet.

What is Voice over IP?: Versus Unified Communications
Unified communications systems offer more features and benefits than VoIP, yet many are still priced for small businesses. Unified communications brings together all forms of communication regardless of location, time or device. Faxes, e-mail, and voicemail are all delivered to a single inbox. You can integrate your phone and customer relationship management (CRM) systems to improve your customer service, and much more.

What is Voice over IP?: The Benefits
VoIP and unified communications enable you to:

•Reduce travel and training costs, thanks to web and video conferencing

•Easily grow your phone system as needed

•Have one phone number ring simultaneously on multiple devices, helping employees stay connected to each other and to customers

•Reduce your phone charges

•Have a single network for voice and data, simplifying management and reducing costs

•Access your phone system's features at home or at client offices, in airports and hotels -- anywhere you've got a broadband connection

Whether you are upgrading your phone system to VOIP for addtional features or moving to a Unified Communications model, TeamLogicIT of Mountain View can help you decide what system is right for you and get you up and running quickly, without inturruption and at a price point that is right for your busiessess.

TakingTthe Worry Out Of Your Next Office Phone System.